The Influence of Brand Awareness and Brand Ambassadors on Vivo Cellphone Purchase Decisions for Eka Prasetya Medan Students
The Influence of Tax Rates and Tax Sanctions on Taxpayers Tax Receipts at the Medan Timur Pratama Service Office
The Effect of Store Atmosphere and Consumer Satisfaction on The Consumer Repurchase Intention of Social Media Cafe J.City Medan
The Effect of Ownership The Effect of Tax Audit, Tax Amnesty and Non-Taxable Income on Income Tax Receipts at the Medan City Pratama Tax Service Office
Marketing Strategy Analysis of Faster Brand Car Battery Sales in Medan
Analisis Determinan Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak dalam Membayar Pajak Hotel, Restoran, dan Hiburan di Kota Medan
The Influence of Self-Leadership and Self-Motivation on Interest in Entrepreneurship in Management Study Program Students, STIE Eka Prasetya Medan
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