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Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation, Writing and Revision
General requirement:
Manuscripts must be research in the field of Education. OJE does not accept manuscripts of review articles.
Manuscripts submitted to OJMA must be original works, i.e. the same manuscripts have never been published or accepted for publication in other journals/books in whole or in part; and may not be submitted to another journal for concurrent publication or under consideration for publication or even under review.
Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English and include the author's name, institutional affiliation, and email address. Soft file format must be in Microsoft Word, 3 cm margin for each side, Times New Roman font type, size 12, 1.5 spacing, and justify.
Manuscripts must follow the following guidelines, and must be formatted according to the OJMA template for submission. Papers that do not meet these requirements may be returned for revision (format/template) before entering the review process.
Manuscripts can only be sent through the open journal system (OJS) mechanism (not via email) at the web address:
OJE Editors reserve the right to edit the grammar and spelling of the published text without reducing or changing the intent of the writing.
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